Importing the National Provider Database, Part I

Hello, I'm Jacob. I perform technology and strategy consulting, including data analytics and machine learning. I blog about various projects I'm working on. If this topic is interesting or relevant to your organization let's talk - hello at jacob dot vi Each practicing doctor…

OMG Space Is Awesome (dot com) !!

If you hadn't already heard, I am currently taking some time off from the rat race and spending the winter back on St Thomas.  During this time, I will be exploring some intellectual pursuits that fell to the wayside over the past few years (like this blog!).  I…

Publicly Available Mammography Datasets

In order to build a machine learning model to help us with mammography-based diagnosis[1] we will need data to train our models. Thankfully, there are a number of data sets publicly available. University of South Florida Digital Database for Screening Mammography []…

Is Machine Learning Just Another Fad?

According to Mattermark, No. AI Is The New New Thing (And It's Taking Over) [] This editorial presents an interesting look at the ecosystem of machine learning startups, across all industries. Some choice quotes: > 2013’s Big Data is 2016’s Machine Learning (ML)…

Machine Learning in Cancer Care

Machine Learning (ML) is a technique to train computers to identify patterns instead of explicitly telling them what those patterns are. If you want to teach a machine-learning system to recognize a cat, you don't tell it to look for whiskers, ears, fur, and eyes. Instead, you show…